Is This the End of Cold Emails?

Email Marketing in 2024: What You Need to Know About Gmail and Yahoo's Latest Policies

If you're in the business of mass emailing candidates or prospects, you've probably heard about the upcoming sender policy tweaks from Gmail and Yahoo.

For those who might not be up to speed on the Q4 2024 announcement, significant changes are coming to Gmail and Yahoo email, and they kick in starting today, February 1, 2024. These new policies will shake up the sales and recruitment scene, especially if you're someone who routinely sends emails to over 5,000 Gmail accounts daily. 

Why does this matter? Well, to put it simply, the greatest sales email in the world holds zero value if no one reads it. Regardless of how compelling your content is or how irresistible your offer may be, if your sales emails don't land in the inboxes, your efforts will be in vain.

Good news for B2B folks – if you're targeting corporate accounts using Google Workspace, these changes won't impact you, at least for now. 

Want to make sure your sales content is landing in the inbox and not in the spam folder? Read our breakdown below to ensure your sales team isn’t affected by these new changes. 

Cold Email: Best Practices 2024. 

Domain Separation: It's crucial to use separate domains for your primary business and cold email campaigns.

Daily Email Limit: Ensure your cold email sends to individual accounts stay below 5,000 per day.

Spam Rate Management: Strive to keep spam complaints at or below 0.3%. For example, if you send out 1,000 cold emails a day and just THREE of them are reported, your account could be removed. 

Email Authentication: Get familiar with SPF, DKIM, and DMARC to boost your email deliverability.

Mandatory Unsubscribe Link: Always include a one-click unsubscribe option for simplicity.

Volume Distribution: Spread your emails across multiple inboxes, limiting them to 35-40 per inbox daily. (Ideally, lower the better)

List Validation: Maintain a bounce rate below 2% by regularly cleaning your email list.

Manage Unsubscribes and Bounces:

Promptly process unsubscribe requests and remove bouncing email addresses from your list. Continuing to send emails to uninterested or invalid addresses can harm your sender reputation and negatively impact deliverability.

Regularly Test Your Emails:

Conduct A/B testing to assess the performance of different subject lines, content variations, and sending times. Testing helps you identify what resonates best with your audience and ensures your emails are optimized for deliverability.

Wondering if your technical side is prepared for these changes? Or whether your sales team's emails are truly hitting the mark with your prospects? 

Drop us your email, and we'll do a free check-up to see where your emails are landing. (

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